Death Cafe Ogden Utah

Hosted by C.c Delgado and Staff from As Above So Below


March 22, 2019

Start time:

7:00 p.m. (Mountain Day Light)

End time:

9:00 p.m. (Mountain Day Light)


5978 S 1900 W



United States


Accepts donations

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About this Death Cafe

Lets demystify the topic that sociaty has gone out of its way (especially in the United states) to make taboo. 

As an End of life care specialist, and family service advisore its I feel imparitive to have these discussions to de mystify what our society has worked so hard to brush under the rug. 

We are going to start this cafe with intruductions and light refeshment and what ever topics come up on that note we will discuss. 

About C.c Delgado and Staff from As Above So Below

C.c Delgodo is the shop owner who has so graciously allowed me to use her space for free. Her face book page is in the link below. 

Refreshments will be served so donations will also be accepted. Also Children are allowed provided the parent's can keep track of them. 

However I (Nichole) will still be running facilitating and organising it it with the help of her amazing staff.  

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
