Posted by Penelope

Hosted by Penelope


March 18, 2016

Start time:

2:00 p.m. (New Zealand)

End time:

4:00 p.m. (New Zealand)


99 Bellam Rd

RD 8





New Zealand


Cake and coffee/tea $5

This Death Cafe has taken place

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About this Death Cafe

I was prompted to run this event after reading Atul Gwande's book "Being Mortal" and the recent  New Zealand parliamentary select committe on euthanasia. I'm a bit of a verbal thinker and I'm sure others are too and thought this would be a great way to hear and share ideas and to help crystalize or clarify my thoughts/beliefs/values about death and if I'm living in accordance with these. I'm hoping others will want to be part of this and it will be mutally beneficial.

Please let me know if you have any allergies etc.

All care will be taken for your safety but we are all responsible for ourselves. Please don't attend if you don't accept this.

Looking forward to a unique couple of hours. See you there.




About Penelope

50 something, work in the health system. Interested in people and what makes us tick. If you're interesting in talking about or listening about death I look forward to meeting you.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
