Posted by Deathcafedublin

Death Cafe Dublin

Hosted by Rachel Henderson


Dec. 11, 2015

Start time:

7:00 p.m. (Greenwich)

End time:

9:00 p.m. (Greenwich)


Lantern Centre

15 Synge Street





Donations to cover costs of room

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About this Death Cafe

National Grieving Day is hosting social sanctuary events in Dublin on Friday 11th of December 2015, to honour and acknowledge grief in all its forms.

10.30 - 12.30 Healing for Sudden and Unexpected Loss - Raymond Cadwell

12.30 - 2.00 Mindfulness Meditation on Death - Mari Kennedy

2.00 - 3.00 Psyche-K: reprogramming sunconscious beliefs on grief - Treacy O'Connor

3.00 - 5.00 Grief as Initiation - John Cantwell

6.00 - 7.30 'Griefwalker' screening - film about Stephen Jenkinson

7.30 - 9.00 Death Cafe hosted by Rachel Henderson

There will be also be a Meditation Room open all day for visitors, where you are invited to drop in for as little or long as you like.

To confirm attendance, please email with the subject line DUBLIN.

All events have no fee but donations are welcome to cover costs. The events are safe, gentle, non-judgmental and open to all.

Contemporary culture often does not allow time or space for marking and celebrating what’s been lost in our lives and the resulting grief that arises. This day is a step towards meeting that need, to offer space for those who want to take time to reflect and dignify their losses, small or big, old or more recent.

The National Grieving Day events invite us to navigate the discomfort and uncertainty around grief and out of that, to potenially spark hope and possibility for what can then come. The day itself is one of the darkest days of the year, on a night without even moonlight, encouraging us to embrace the dark in the knowledge that in there, the light of new beginnings are born.

If you would like to attend or host something yourself, please drop us a line for more information at

National Grieving Day started in 2013 and is curated by a small group of volunteers in Dublin, together with a collective of facilitators around the world.

About Rachel Henderson

Rachel is a trainee Funeral Celebrant with an interest in starting a healthy conversation around death and dying.

Contact the organiser of this Death Cafe
